Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Backwards then Forward

I've been a little lazy this weekend, just because I didn't wanna go up against people in voices who had about 88 auditions before me. So, instead I redid my website, YET AGAIN, I'm sure there's a link around here somewhere. Anyways, justindtorres.com , go from there. As of monday, I got hired for "Smoke Away Tax Relief" waiting on the script for it (a little extra money). Other than that I've only done about 13-14 auditions over Monday and Tuesday. The reason for the small amount is that I switched out of the Middle Aged slot and went for solely Young Adult. In the end, I will recieve much less auditions but they will be more for my voice. Something to get used to. if this week goes by without any jobs then I may have to rethink it. It kind of sucks when you finish up auditions and think, " I need more".

Other than that, just waiting on Auditions. Did the smurf job, was amazing fun and they have always been fun to work with. But, today I find myself done with all work by 3pm and trying to figure out what to do to be a better voice. Hmmmmmm.

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